Thursday, May 8, 2008

"I Just Got a Document Camera...Now What?"

Are Document Camera's the Next Big Thing?
"...document cameras are a good candidate for the next universal presentation technology adoption. ... “the document camera is the single most important piece of technology for all teachers, especially for math teachers who are seeking to understand their students’ thinking about the mathematics they are learning.
Susan Brooks-Young, "Are Document Cameras the Next Big Thing?," T.H.E. Journal, 6/1/2007,

kay, you just received this cool new document camera and your not sure what do next; let alone get rid of your trusty overhead projector....Well, I've collected thoughts and ideas from our colleagues all over the country in the use of your new document camera.

:) Diana

1 comment:

Kim Cofino said...

We just got two of these per grade level here at ISB - we've been using them for Readers Workshop as a read-aloud and instructional tool. It's amazing to see how much more engaged the students are when they can all clearly see the pages!

My only problem with the document camera is that the teacher now stands next to the table with the camera to point to things, turn the page, write things down, etc - instead of sitting with the students. When they go wireless they'll be even more amazing!